
Finite state machine for chat bot

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The server-ready FSM (Finite State Machine) for chat bot, which

  • Supports to define custom commands with options
  • Supports simplified command options
  • Supports sub(nested) states and command declarations in sub states
  • Only allows a single task thread, which means that for a single user, your chat bot could apply only one task at a time globally even in distributed environment. A single-thread chat bot executes less things but fits better for voice input and interactive tasks.
  • Supports distributed task locking with redis syncer, and you can also implement yourself.

bot-state-machine uses private class fields to ensure data security so that it requires node >= 12


$ npm i bot-state-machine

Basic Usage

const {StateMachine} = require('bot-state-machine')

// Configurations
const sm = new StateMachine()
const rootState = sm.rootState()

const Buy = rootState.command('buy')
// bot-state-machine provides a Python-like argument parser,
// so, `buy TSLA` is equivalent to `buy stock=TSLA`
.action(async function ({options}) {
  await buyStock(options.stock)
  // If the action of a command returns `undefined`, then the
  //  state machine will return to the root state after the command executed
// If the action function rejects, then it will go into the catch function if exists.
.catch(function (err) {

// Chat

// We could create as many chat tasks as we want,
//  so that we could handle arbitrary numbers of requests
const chat =

const output = await chat.input('buy TSLA') // or 'buy stock=TSLA'

console.log(output) // success

Flow control: define several sub states for a command

  • A state can have multiple commands
  • A command can have multiple subtle states
  • The state machine redirects to a certain state according to the return value of a command's action or catch
  • A command could only go to
    • one of its sub states
    • one of the parent states
    • or the root state.

Here is a complex example, and its corresponding test spec locates here

Example: coin-operated turnstile

There is a classic example of the Finite-state machine from wikipedia, coin-operated turnstile.

const sm = new StateMachine()

// Locked is an initial state
const StateLocked = sm.rootState()

const CommandCoin = StateLocked.command('coin')
const StateUnlocked = CommandCoin.state('unlocked')

// Putting a coin in the slot to unlock the turnstile
CommandCoin.action(() => StateUnlocked)

const CommandPush = StateUnlocked.command('push')
// Pushing the arm, then the turnstile will be locked (go to the initial state)
.action(() => StateLocked)

Define global commands

Commands defined by sm (not root state) are global commands.

A global command could be called at any state and could not have options, condition, or sub states.

// A global command to return back to the parent state
.action(({state}) => state.parent)
// A global command to cancel everything and return to root state

How to distinguish between different users has distinctId as the argument. distinctId should be unique for a certain user (audience).

Users with different distinctIds are separated and have different isolated locks, so that the chat bot can serve many users simultaneously.

Everytime we execute'Bob'), we create a new thread for Bob. And different threads share the same lock for Bob, so the bot could only do one thing for Bob at the same time.

API References

const {
} = require('bot-state-machine')

new StateMachine(options)

  • options All options are optional.
    • nonExactMatch? boolean=false
    • format? function(tpl: string, ...values): string = util.format
    • joiner? function(...messages): string
    • actionTimeout? number=5000 timeout in milliseconds before the execution of action and catch result in an COMMAND_TIMEOUT error.
    • lockRefreshInterval? number=1000 advanced option. This option should be less than Syncer::options.lockExpire, and it is used to prevent the lock from being expired before the command action finished executing.
    • lockKey? function(distinctId):string the method to create the lockKey for each distinct user.
    • storeKey? function(distinctId):string to create the key to save the current state for each distinct user.
    • syncer? Syncer=new SimpleMemorySyncer() see Advanced Section

sm.rootState(): State

Create a root state.

sm.command(...names): Command

  • names Array<string> you can create a command with a name and multiple aliases

Create a global command. A global command could be called at any states.

A global command could NOT define:

  • condition
  • option
  • sub states, {commands, context}): Chat

  • distinctId string distinct id to distinguish between different users
  • commands Array<string|Command>=undefined A list of commands to restrict the priviledge of the user. If the user input a command which is not in the list, there will be an UNKNOWN_COMMAND error. If not specified, any command will available for the current user
  • context Object={} the context object that could be accessed in many functions by this.context

Create a new conversation


await chat.input(message): string

  • message string

Receives the user input and return a Promise of the output by chat bot.


command.state(stateName): State

  • stateName string the name of the sub state. The name should be unique among the sub states of the command.

command.condition(condition): this

  • condition function(flags):boolean If the function returns false, then the command will skip executing action or catch. If we need give user some feedback or hint, we could use this.say() method in the function. condition supports both async and sync functions.
    • flags object the shadow copy of the key-value pairs of all flags defined in current state.

Check if the command meet the requirement to execute.

// Pay attention that we could not use an arrow function here if we need to use `this.say`
someCommand.condition(function ({enabled}) {
  if (!enable) {
    this.say('not enabled')

  return enabled

command.option(name, config): this

  • name string the name of the option
  • config? object
    • alias? string | Array<string> the list of aliases of the option
    • default? function(key, flags):any | any defines the default value of the option
    • set? function(value, key, flags):boolean throwable async or sync setter function to coerce the option value. The return value will be the real value of the option.

Create a option, i.e. an argument, for the command.

setter function

You can also validate the option value in the setter function.

If the validation fails, we can throw an error in the function to provide a verbose error message.

Options principle & Example

We could not define a non-default option after an option with default values, for example:

.option('position', {
  default: '100%'

// ❌ This will cause an 'NON_DEFAULT_OPTION_FOLLOWS_DEFAULT' error

Here is a complex example

const sm = new StateMachine(options)

const root = sm.rootState()
.flag('default-stock', '')

const BuyCommand = root.command('buy')
.option('stock', {
  default (key, flags) {
    const defaultStock = flags['default-stock']

    if (!defaultStock) {
      throw new Error('stock is required')

    return defaultStock
.option('position', {
  default: 'all-in',
  set (value) {
    if (value === 'all-in') {
      return 1

    if (Number.isNaN(value)) {
      throw TypeError(`${value} is not a number`)

    return Number(value)
.action(function ({options}) {
  this.say(`buy ${options.stock}, position: ${options.position}`)

const SetDefaultStock = root.command('set-default-stock')
.action(function ({options}) {
  this.setFlag('default-stock', 'TSLA')

const output = await

sequence | input | error | output ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- 1 | buy TSLA | | 'buy TSLA, position: 1' 2 | buy | OPTIONS_NOT_FULFILLED | 3 | set-default-stock TSLA | | '' 4 | buy | | 'buy TSLA, position: 1' 5 | buy position=0.2 | | 'buy TSLA, position: 0.2'

command.action(executor): this

  • executor function(arg: CommandArgument): TargetState Either async or sync function to do real things fo the command

Execute the command and go to the target state.

interface CommandArgument {
  // The options for the command
  options: object
  // The shadow copy of the flags of the current state
  flags: object
  // The runtime state which the state machine is currently at.
  state: RuntimeState
interface RuntimeState {
  // The id of the current state
  get id: string
  // The parent state of the current state
  get parent: RuntimeState
type TargetState = State
  // So that we can go back to a parent state
  | RuntimeState
  // If the command action returns undefined,
  //   then the state machine will go the root state
  | undefined

Here is an example to show how to use CommandArgument

someCommand.action(async function ({options, flags, state}) {
  try {
    await doSomethingWith(options)

    // If succeeded, back to the parent state
    return state.parent
  } catch (e) {
    this.say('fail, reason: %s', e.message)

    // Just stay on the current state
    return state

command.catch(onError): this

  • onError function(err: Error, arg: CommandArgument): TargetState
    • err Error the error thrown by command action
    • arg the same as the argument of the action executor

If the command action throws an error, then onError will be invoked. If onError throws an error, it will result in a COMMAND_ERROR error, and stay on the current state.


state.flag(key, defaultValue, onchange): this

  • key string the name of the key
  • defaultValue any the default value of the flag
  • onchange function(newValue, oldValue) invokes if the value of the flag is changed.

Defines a flag

state.command(...names): Command

Defines a command which is only available at the current state.

state.default(defaultFinder): this

  • defaultFinder function(input: str, flags: object): Command | undefined async or sync function which will be executed if there is no matched command for the given input, and whose return value will be the command to use

Defines a finder function to find the default command

const Hello = state
.action(function ({options}) {
  this.say(`hello ${}`)

state.default(() => Hello)

input | output | comments ---- | ---- | ---- hello world | 'hello world' world | 'hello world' | Hello is the default command

Context Methods

this.say(template, ...values): void

  • template string
  • values Array<any>

Say something to the user. The argument of the method is the same as Node.js util.format(), and will be formatted by options.format

this.say('Hello %s!', 'world')

options.format is designed to provide better support for i18n.

Could be used in:

  • command condition
  • command action
  • command catch
  • onchange method of state flag

this.setFlag(name, value): void

Could be used inn:

  • command action
  • command catch

Advanced Section

The default configuration of StateMachine only works for single instance chat bot, and saves store data just in memory.

If you want to deploy a chat bot cluster with many instances or to use some storage other than memory, you could use other syncers, such as the built-in RedisSyncer to use redis as the storage.

new RedisSyncer(redis, options)

  • redis ioredis the instance of ioredis or an object has the same interfaces as ioredis
  • options? Object=
    • lockExpire int number of milliseconds util the lock expires.
const Redis = require('ioredis')

const {RedisSyncer} = require('bot-state-machine')

const sm = new StateMachine({
  syncer: new RedisSyncer(
    new Redis(6379, '')

Implement your own syncer

You could also implement your own syncer, abbr for synchronizer.

A Syncer need to implement the interface with FOUR methods

interface SuccessStatus {
  sucess: boolean

interface ReaderResult extends SuccessStatus {
  store?: object

type Promisable<T> = Promise<T> | T

interface SyncerArg {
  // `chatId` is an unique id for the current chat session
  chatId: string
  store: object
  lockKey: string
  storeKey: string

interface ReaderArg {
  chatId: string
  lockKey: string
  storeKey: string

interface RefresherArg {
  chatId: string
  lockKey: string

interface Syncer {
  read (arg: ReaderArg): Promisable<ReaderResult>
  lock (arg: SyncerArg): Promisable<SuccessStatus>
  refreshLock (arg: RefresherArg): Promisable<void>
  unlock (arg: SyncerArg): Promisable<SuccessStatus>

await read(arg)

This method is used to read the store from storage. In this method, we need to check the lock status to make sure that the current chat session owns the lock

await lock(arg)

In this method, we need to:

  • first, acquire the lock
  • then, update the storage

await refreshLock(arg)

Refresh the expiration of lock

await unlock(arg)

Release the lock and update the store


# First we should start a redis-server

# Then run tests
npm run test
