A node-red collection of nodes that perform robotics operations using butter.mas.api technology (Benny Megidish)
This repo defines node-red nodes that encapsulate butter.mas.api opertaions.
Table of Contents
About The Project
This project extends the basic node-red node types with new nodes that encapsulate Butter Robotics operations and api calls. This can prove very useful when building IoT flows and orchestration using Node-Red, and needing to use Butter as well.
Built With
Getting Started
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
Download Node-Red (Dah..) Plese refer to this link for easy installation on Windows.
npm install the package with the cmd while inside your user data directory (usually $HOME/.node-red)
npm install node-red-contrib-milab-butter@latest -g
Restart node red and validate that the new nodes exist in your node pallete !
Once you have completed the prerequisites, the new nodes should appear in all their glory in the node pallete :)
You can drag the butter nodes to use in your flows:
Refer to the documentation given inside the node-red GUI to understand the usage better - have fun !
To learn more about Node-Red, please refer to their Documentation
To understand more about Butter, please refer to their Documentation
We always have space for improvements, here is how to help:
- Fork the repo.
- Submit a PR.
- Bump the version in package.json.
- Write a concise summary of your change in the file.
- If your contribution includes a new node in the UI or any client facing feature, consult with @RonGissin about updating the example-flow file.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Ron Gissin -
Project Link: NodeRed-Butter