RapiDoc - Open API spec viewer with built in console
Mrinmoy Majumdar
Score: 0%
Custom Element for Open-API spec viewing
Sponsored by Zuplo - Get a Stripe-like API experience for your customers in minutes - documentation, rate-limiting and API-key auth in minutes.
- Supports Swagger 2.0, OpenAPI 3.x.x
- Works with any framework or with no framework
- Allows making API calls
- Better Usability,
- all Models and Examples are expanded by default, eliminates the need to click and reveal.
- Request fields are pre-populated with sample data
- Takes only one click to make an API call
- Request and response can be placed side-by-side for easy comparison
- Branding and Personalization features makes it easy to follow any style guide
- Comes with 2 Themes (Dark and Light)
- Replace default logo with yours
- Typography, allows changing fonts
- Allows changing text-color, button-color, header-color and color of other UI elements
- Plenty of customization options
- Add external contents at the top and bottom of the document, you may add images, link, text, forms etc
- Allows disabling API calling feature
- Hide the header, so the user can't load any other OpenAPI Spec
- Hide Authentication and provide your own pre-generated api-key
- Embed it inside another HTML document
- Use it inside another framework (react, vue, angular, lit-element)
- Use JavaScript to change its attributes, and it will react to those changes
- Style the element with standard css (change padding, position, border, margin )
- Lightweight and fast
- Load local json spec from the disk
- Supported on Chrome, FireFox and Safari. (Not yet tested on Edge)
Build Process
# Clone / Download the project then
npm install
# build will generate rapidoc-min.js, this is the only file you will need.
# use it in the script tag of your html <script type="text/javascript" src="rapidoc-min.js"></script></body>
npm run build
# for development use yarn serve (this will start an webserver at port 8080, then navigate to localhost:8080)
npm run serve
- ✅ Upgrade to use
lit 2
- Pre Rendering / Server Side Rendering (SSR) of RapiDoc
- Improve PDF generation of OpenAPI spec Using RapiPDF
- Create a Command Line interface (CLI) to make it automation friendly
- Add localization support
- Follow Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2)
- Improve Homepage, Documentation and Examples
- Create groundwork for automated testing
- Create a live playground (Something like swagger editor)
- Create a short animation/video to show how RapiDoc/RapiPDF works